Somebody's got to be the course sweep... Right.
"Who me?' |
Once a year for one reason or many, I put together such a race as I'm the last one in to finish. This year the date was the Marathon race at Maplelag.
I attempted to put my best ride forward pretending I was an alaskan fatbiker (ride with no front brake). All skid/ no stopping power on wet rooty technical trails didn't work too well, but it certainly worked me over for 3 of the 4 8+ mile laps. Me being me, attempted every tech line, no bypass for fear of the guilt left my knees shaking after a couple close calls with mother earth. Looked around wondering if anybody just saw my extreme novice moves but when your in last of the remaining pedaler's that leaves no witness.
The trails at Maplelag are old school riding bliss. Rake and ride trails will teach you a thing or two about riding that full bench cut machine trail will not. Go check them out if your up in the DL area. Thanks Jay Richards and family for putting on this unique event year after year. Next year is the 25th anniversary, informed something special in the works.